The Art of Kindness

I think about this concept a lot and how both giving as well as receiving kindness is truly beautiful. Not only does it feel euphoric but it can change our perspective. Just like art it paints hallow spaces with vibrant feelings, heals pain that lacked a spark of love, it moves those who longed for motivation, or made the difference for someone to choose to be stronger on the day they felt most weak. The beauty of kindness is that there is no specific guidelines or criteria, it is all about what you are capable of giving. Maybe it is words of wisdom that you acquired from a life lesson of your own. Sometimes it is listening and being in that moment with someone that feels the world a little extra heavy but, your presence takes some of that weight off finally allowing them to catch their breath. Other times it is showing up on the days that matter most for those around you. The point is, if your intentions are genuine your kindness will translate that. I’ve had the privilege of giving and receiving kindness. I thought I would share some words of wisdom I received years ago, when I felt most overwhelmed. Those words of wisdom translated as kindness because they provided some much needed comfort. “Don’t be afraid, be excited!” Simple words but the message is quite big. In that moment it inspired me to change my perspective and have courage. What has resonated most with me is, kindness paints the world wholesome and I hope we can all leave a mark, collectively using the most genuine essence of ourselves. Be kind.


Holding People Accountable