Holding People Accountable

There is going to be a point in your life when you realize not everyone has good intentions, so it is important that you acknowledge who they are and what they want. Sometimes we become infatuated with an idea of someone or something when the reality is entirely different. Do not let anyone dim your light no matter how bright you perceive them, there is no light brighter than your own. The concept of holding people accountable is a sensitive topic because how do you know to what extent is appropriate ? Which will most likely send you into a spiral of other questions such as, “will I miss them?” “what if I can not bare the pain of being without them?” or “is it worth it?” let me spare you the pain, the answer is yes to all of them. Yes you will miss them immensely and the pain will feel unbearable but well worth it. When their intentions are not genuine or self serving think of you and move on. Pursue what you deserve and live life with the intent to accomplish your goals. Holding people accountable is a form of moving forward. Just remember there was a point in your life when you were perfectly fine without them and maybe your co-existence was merely temporary. If I can leave anything to resonate, it is that, every new chapter in your life is an opportunity to grow through healing.


The Art of Kindness