your battle is not my battle

I know you’ve been searching both high and low,

for some kind of goodbye or apology,

but I don’t owe you anything,

however I hope this helps you heal,

since we were kids we lived very different lives,

I had my dreams and you had yours,

I saw how much praise your mother gave to everyone for theirs but hardly yours,

I witnessed the high expectations she had for you,

the problem was she didn’t instill love in those hopes for you,

it was always revenge or envy,

none of those fulfill you or any dreams,

so maybe let it go?

the reason I am writing this, is because I know how heavy hate can be…

and it’s important for me to let you the demise of our relationship,

it stemmed from your redundant dishonesty and betrayal,

so I urge you to redirect whatever energy you spend on longing for me…

into purpose for you,

start living,

start loving,

start laughing,

start dreaming,

start talking,

start healing,

you and I were never the same person,

nor will we ever be,

so let it go,

set yourself free…

Kind regards,

someone who once knew you.

P.S. don’t let anger settle in, to the point where it consumes you.




Dolce far niente